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HOME > Hair Accessories >Head_band> Satin Rose Head Bow




66 生成×生成44 ピンク×ピンク99 ボルドー×ボルドー65 カフェオレ×ショコラ56 ショコラ×カフェオレ33 クロ×クロ
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*Lovely small roses on an elegant head bow *

Satin fabric is used on the outer side of the head bow and on the inside we have a suede fabric finishing it off in a luxurious design.
All the rose corsages are originals of Innocent World and each one is hand-dyed and handmade by craftsmen.

Product Name Satin Rose Head Bow
Product Number 203902
Color 66 Beige×Beige
44 Pink×Pink*New Color
99 Bordeaux×Bordeaux
65 Cafe au Lait×Chocolat
56 Chocolat×Cafe au Lait
33 Black×Black
Size F
Price 3,520yen(tax include)

Satin Rose Head Bow


Price 3,520yen(tax include)

66 Beige×Beige F/SOLD OUT
44 Pink×Pink F/SOLD OUT
65 Cafe au Lait×Chocolat F/SOLD OUT
56 Chocolat×Cafe au Lai F/SOLD OUT
33 Black×Black F/SOLD OUT

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