Dates listed in pink are when the online sales office is closed. We will not be able to respond to emails or send items out on those days so we ask for your understanding.
~Collaboration Project With Misako Aoki~
A cute headband with layers of ‘satin ribbon’ and ‘grosgrain ribbon’ like a mille-feuille. Each beautiful ribbon headband is carefully made by a craftsman using high-quality ribbon. This is a simple headband, so you can enjoy coordinating it with a variety of clothes.
商品名 Product Name |
ダブルリボンアニバーサリー カチューシャ Double Ribbon Anniversary Headband |
品番 Product Number |
241908 |
色 Colors |
66 ミルクティ×ミルクティ/Beige×Beige 99 ボルドー×ボルドー/Bordeaux×Bordeaux 55 ショコラ×ショコラ/Chocolat×Chocolat 33 クロ×クロ/Black×Black |
サイズ Size |
F |
価格 Price |
4,950yen(税込)/(tax included) |
入荷予定日 Estimated in-stock date |
2024年4月下旬~5月下旬頃/ Late April to late May 2024 |
***Please settle the reserved items for each scheduled release date.***
発売日が異なる商品を同じカートに入れてご注文された場合でも、 誠に恐れ入りますが発売予定日ごとにご注文を分割して発送させていただきますため、 発送回数分の送料を加算させていただきます。 お振込の際は、分割後のご注文ごとの金額をそれぞれお振込み下さいますようお願い申し上げます。 ご注文が無効になってしまう恐れがございますので、ご注意くださいませ。 お客様にはお手数をお掛けいたしますが、予めご了承くださいますようお願い申し上げます。
Even if products with different release dates are settled at the same time, the shipping fee will be added for the number of shipmentsbecause the order will be divided according to the scheduled release date and shipped. Please transfer the amount for each order. In addition, it may take some time to confirm your order, which may delay your order confirmation. We apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you in advance for your understanding.