ホーム > ご利用ガイド Shopping guide

ご利用ガイド Shopping guide

サイトについて・初めての方へ About this site

ご注文について Ordering

お届けについて Your package

お支払いについて Payment

返品・交換について Returns and exchanges

FAQ(Frequently Asked Questions)



1-1 初めての方へ

この度は Innocent World オフィシャルサイトへアクセスいただき、ありがとうございます。
Innocent World はデザイナー・藤原ゆみが、上品で可愛らしいお洋服にこだわり続けて製作しているブランドショップです。
当サイトでは Innocent World の商品をインターネットでご購入いただけます。

1-2 ご利用環境について

OS:Windows 10
ブラウザ:Microsoft Edge 最新バージョン

商品の画像は、全て手作業で画像加工をほどこしている為、 実際の商品と色味や素材感等が多少異なって見える場合がございます。

1-3 未成年のお客様へ



2-1 ご注文の前に


official web siteofficial Xにて事前告知をいたします。

2-2 ご注文方法について



商品がカートの中に入ります。商品の色・サイズ・数量をご確認いただき「購入手続き」を クリックしてください。



















2-3 送料と運送会社について




2-4 追加注文について



2-5 ご注文送信後のキャンセルについて



等の行為があった場合は、 今後の通信販売のご利用をお断りさせていただく事がございますので

2-6 在庫状況について




2-7 プレゼント包装について


2-8 お客様情報の登録について



2-9 納品書について


2-10 ご注文の上限について


2-11 セール商品・福袋のみのご注文について


2-12 キャンセル待ちについて

キャンセル待ちの受付はしておりません。完売商品の再入荷はofficial web siteofficial Xで告知をさせていただいております。

2-13 領収書について


2-14 海外にお住まいの方へ



3-1 お届けまでにかかる日数


  • 【先払い(ゴールド・シルバー会員様はこちらもご利用可能です)】でご注文の場合
  • 【先払い(クレジットカード)】でご注文の場合



1~2日 大阪、兵庫、京都、滋賀、奈良、和歌山、三重、福井
2~3日 香川、徳島、高知、愛媛
3~4日 北海道、沖縄、離島



3-2 「発送のお知らせメール」について


3-3 お取り寄せについて


3-4 お届け日時のご指定について



3-5 同時梱包について


  • 基本的に、商品が全て揃ってからの発送となります。
  • 予約商品は発売日ごとの発送となります。
  • 一部商品(傘、福袋など)は特別梱包となりますので、1回のお手続きでも別送となり送料は個別に発生いたします。

3-6 店頭でのお引取りについて


3-7 ご注文後の住所変更について



4-1 お支払い方法について


  • クレジットカード:先払い/お支払回数に応じて手数料が発生する場合がございます。詳しくはクレジットカード会社にお問い合わせください
  • ゴールド・シルバー会員様はこちらもご利用可能です:先払い/振込手数料はご負担ください(三菱東京UFJ銀行)※スペシャルメンバーズ ゴールド・シルバー会員様のみご利用可能です

4-2 お支払い期限について


  • ご注文者ご本人さま名義のカードに限ります。
  • 弊社からカード会社への請求は商品確保確定時に行います。
  • 各カード会社の規約に基づき、ご契約の口座から自動引き落としとなります。
  • クレジットカード不正利用防止のため、カード会社に本人確認【属性確認】を行っております。
  • 海外クレジットカードはご利用できない場合がございます。


  • 注文確認メールから 5営業日以内に、 お知らせした口座へのお振込でのお手続をお願いいたします。
    ただし、指定日をご希望のお客様でお届け希望指定日が、注文確認メール到着日の1週間以内になってしまう方は 指定日から3営業日以前(指定日は数えない)の正午までにお支払い下さいませ。


5-1 返品・交換可能な商品について

また、一週間を過ぎての返品、交換はお受け致しかねますので、 商品が届きましたら、お早めのご確認をお願いいたします。

5-2 返品・交換の手順


〒542-0073 大阪市中央区日本橋1-24-9 
株式会社イノセントワールド 通信販売事業部


About this site

1-1* For first-time users

Thank you for visiting Innocent World’s official website. Innocent World’s designer, Yumi Fujiwara, has made a unique brand shop providing elegant and cute clothing.
We are taking orders for our merchandise through this website.

1-2* Computer settings

Recommended computer settings for this site:

OS:Windows 10
Browser:Microsoft Edge and up
Screen size:1024×768/16bit and up
Enable JavaScript, Style sheet, and Cookies

The color and appearance of materials may differ from the actual item depending on your monitor. We aim to be as faithful to the original item as possible, so we ask for your understanding in advance.

1-3* For junior customers

We ask your parents' agreement for orders from junior customers. Thank you.


2-1* Before ordering

You can order from our website using the shopping cart system .
If you have any questions regarding our products, send us a message using the “Contact Us” webform.
The first field is for your name, the second field is for your email address, then there is a drop down list for the purpose of your message, and the last field is for your comment.

2-2* Ways to order

Ordering using the shopping cart (for customers within Japan)

Go to the specific page of the item you'd like to buy.

If an item has ご予約コーナー(Reserve corner) posted on the page, that means it is now up for reservation.
The expected arrival period of the item as well as dates you can request your package to arrive (domestic shipping only) will be posted on the site so please refer to those when making your order.

Once you have found an item you would like to purchase, select the color, size and amount you would like to buy and click “Place in cart” 「カートに入れる」.
The item will go into your cart. After you have checked that the color, size and quantity are correct, click “Purchase procedure” 「購入手続き」
※Even though an item might be able to go into your shopping cart, there is still a possibility that it is sold out.

Enter the appropriate information as the form specifies.

Choose your method of payment-Credit card「クレジットカード」

How to pay

If you have a preferred day and time you would like delivery, select that as well.

Requested delivery date

If you would like to receive our mail magazine (in Japanese), check the box. If you want to stop receiving the mail magazine or see sample issues, please visit the following website.

Next you can select if you have or want a Member’s Card or combined shipping.

Points (on Member’s Card)

Combined shipping

After confirming there are no mistakes click “Order confirmation” 「注文確認」.

After confirming that the contents of your order are correct, click "Order decision" 「注文確定」.

This is the final screen you will see. An automatic reply mail will be sent to your email address.
At this point the availability of the merchandise in your order is not confirmed so please wait for the order confirmation email.

I haven't received a response to my email

Innocent World will send you an order confirmation email within 3 working days. We will inform you if the item is in stock, your total and ways to pay. After confirming that the information is correct, please make your payment within one week.

I haven’t received an order confirmation mail.


※Even if it is in the shopping cart, it may be sold out.
※Your order will be completed when we send you an order confirmation email.
※Please do not pay before you receive an order confirmation email from us.

When will my package arrive?

2-3* Shipping information (Domestic Shipping)

Uniform 940 yen [Hokkaido 1,610 yen including tax, Okinawa · remote islands tax included 2,210 yen]
※we will charge the above fee regardless of your order amount.
※Because long umbrellas require a special package size, they will be shipped separately and shipping will be charged.

2-4* Adding to (or changing) your order

From within Japan/using the shopping cart:
If you would like to add new items once your order is completed, unfortunately we can not change your order so you will have to start new one.

Combined shipping

2-5* Cancelling after your order is complete

We do not accept cancellations once your order is complete so please make your orders with due care.
If you become a problematic customer by canceling repeatedly or refusing to pay for COD items, please know that you may not be allowed to order from our online shop in the future.

2-6* Our inventory system

Due to the fact that we have many stores and shared stock, we do not have a set amount of each item in our inventory.
Because of this, there are times when an item may be mistakenly shown as available online but is actually sold out.
So please wait for your order confirmation email or Paypal invoice to make sure the item is available.
The homepage of our website has current information about the status of our inventory as well.

2-7* Points (on Member’s Card) ? domestic sales only

***Point card service is no longer available.***

How to use Member’s Cards

***Point card service is no longer available.***

How to use points - To redeem points at our store locations (for the issue of coupons)

***Point card service is no longer available.***

2-8* Registering for membership

When you make a password with your order, the next time you log in your information will be saved, cutting down on time.
If you would like to change your personal information, follow this link:

Also the next time you order, you can edit the appropriate fields and your information will be saved.

Handling of Personal Information in Administrative Organs terms of use

Your package

3-1* Length of time before delivery

After we receive payment, we collect all of the items from our stock and then send out the order.
If reserved items are included in the order, we wait until all of the items are available before we ship.If there is no delivery date selected (domestic shipping only), then we ship the orders within 2 weeks of receiving payment.

※If you would like to purchase multiple items but would like separate shipping, please make separate orders.
※If you would like us to ship multiple orders together, please indicate同時梱包を希望する(I would like combined shipping).

Shipping time may vary based on location.

1-2days Osaka, Hyogo, Kyoto, Shiga, Nara, Wakayama, Mie, Fukui
Aichi, Shizuoka, Yamanashi, Gifu, Nagano
Kanagawa, Tokyo, Saitama, Chiba, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma
Okayama, Tottori, Hiroshima, Shimane
2-3days Kagawa, Tokushima, Kochi, Ehime
Yamaguchi, Fukuoka, Oita, Saga, Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Miyazaki, Kagoshima
Ishikawa, Toyama, Niigata, Fukushima, Yamagata, Miyagi, Akita, Iwate, Aomori
3-4days Hokkaido, Okinawa, outer islands

※Weather, traffic and other conditions may additionally affect shipping time.

We aim to send out orders in the shortest amount of time possible, but due to the way our inventory is set up, there may be cases when it takes us longer than expected to complete your order. We also can not speed up your order or move you to the head of the line. We appreciate your understanding in advance.

3-2* Sending for items not in stock

When a requested item is not in stock at the online sales stockroom, we must request it to be sent to our office by one of our store locations. In such cases it can take a few days to a week to reach our office so we may not be able to meet your requested delivery date (domestic post only).
If necessary, we will email you to change your preferred delivery date. If we are not able to contact you we will just send it when it is ready.

3-3* Requested delivery date(domestic post only)

Orders are shipped to your requested delivery date and time.
If the time between the day you ordered and your requested delivery date is short, there may be times where we will not be able to meet your request due to inventory that is on order from our store locations.
We would appreciate it if you would give us as much time as possible in that window.

Requested delivery date:
5 days to 2 weeks from the day you order (Hokkaido, Okinawa and outer islands please choose a day between 1-2 weeks)

Requested delivery times:

3-4* Combined shipping

We don't accept combined shipping.
Please order all of the items together.

  • Basically, it will be shipped after all the products are ready.
  • Reserved items will be shipped according to the release date.
  • Some products (umbrellas, Happy Packs, etc.) will be specially packed, so even one procedure will be sent separately and shipping charges will be incurred individually.


4-1* Length of time before delivery

Please choose from the 2 options below.
※Customers who do not fall under the following 2 types will be billed by PayPal.
When paying with PayPal, please order from the International order form.

  • Credit card:
    Advance payment/Fees may be charged depending on the number of payments.
    Please contact your credit card company for details.
    ※Please pay with the following card.If these credit cards do not work, please contact your credit card company.
    usable cards

To place an order, you need a PC or mobile phone with internet and email access.
After confirming your order, we will send you an email regarding payment. Please be sure to check your email and complete the necessary procedures for payment.

4-2* Customs

After confirming your order email, we will inform you of the stock status, billing amount, payment method, etc.
Please transfer to the notified account within 5 business daysafter from the order confirmation email.

Returns and exchanges

5-1* Items eligible for return or exchange

In cases where you receive the wrong merchandise or damaged items make sure to contact us within one week of receiving your package. We do not accept returns or exchanges if the item does not fit or if you do not like the color so please take due care when ordering.

5-2* How to return or exchange items

Make sure to contact our office within one week of receiving your package.
We will notify you about the procedure to return or exchange the item.

Shipping Address

〒542-0073 大阪市中央区日本橋1-24-9
株式会社イノセントワールド 通信販売事業部

E-commerce section, Innocent World,
1-24-9 nipponbashi, Chuo-ku,
Osaka City, Osaka, 542-0073 JAPAN


※Please be sure to write your name, address and phone number.

FAQ(Frequently Asked Questions)

6-1 I haven’t received an automatic response to my order.

When you complete an order, you should receive an automatic response, usually within 5-10 minutes.
If not, it may be one of the following issues:

  • The mail could be in your spam folder
    Depending on the mail filter, emails from Innocent World can end up in your spam folder and never reach your inbox.
    Make sure to check your spam folder, deleted mail folder or any other related place it could be.
  • Mail from Innocent World does not have permission to be received
    If you are heavily filtering your mails, make sure to grant permission for our domain name, “@innocent-w.jp”.
  • The automatic mail did not go through due to a system error
    (but the order went through)
  • The order did not go through correctly due to a system error (and the order did not make it through to Innocent Word)
    Once we receive your order, we will send a confirmation email within 3 working days.
    If 3 days pass and you haven't received anything,there is a possibility that something has gone wrong with your order so please contact us. We apologize for the inconvenience.

6-2 I haven’t received an order confirmation email (domestic shipping)

We send a reply mail to all orders or other correspondence within 3 working days. At sale times or around holidays when we are especially busy, sometimes it can take 2 or more working days to respond.
Please be sure to refer to the calendar on our homepage to see when holidays will be (marked in red).

If you haven’t received an order confirmation email within 3 working days, it may be due to one of the following issues:

  • The mail could be in your spam folder
    Depending on the mail filter, emails from Innocent World can end up in your spam folder and never reach your inbox.
    Make sure to check your spam folder, deleted mail folder or any other related place it could be.
  • Mail from Innocent World does not have permission to be received
    If you are heavily filtering your mails, make sure to grant permission for our domain name, “@innocent-w.jp”.
  • You are using Yahoo!Mail
    We have been having problems with failed email delivery to customers with Yahoo! Mail accounts.
    The mail doesn’t go to the spam folder; it just disappears on its own.
    If at all possible, we ask that you please use a different mail service for your orders and inquiries.

In cases where you do not receive an expected mail from us, please contact us with the mail form accessible at the “Contact Us” section of our website, phone, or fax.
If you use the mail form, be sure to use another email address to avoid further email problems.

TEL:06-6556-7335(Weekdays 10am~5pm)

Contact Us form

6-3 When will my package arrive?

It really depends on the state of our inventory and whether we have to request items to be sent from our store locations.
In general, we ship within between 3 days and 2 weeks of receiving your order.
For domestic post, if everything moves smoothly your package will be delivered on the day you request.
However there are some cases when the day you request is too soon for your items to arrive at our office so we cannot meet your requested day.
Please refer to your order confirmation email if you have questions about the status of your items, how to pay, or the requested package arrival date.

6-4 Can I make an order with my cell phone? (Domestic only)

Yes, but if the shopping cart does not work on your phone, please submit your order by phone call, fax or email.
If you cannot use the shopping cart, the only payment method is bank transfer.
For details, please reference the guides on phone, fax and email orders.

At this time we do not have a website set up for cell phone viewing so please use the PC site viewer feature on your phone to access 4 our main site.

6-5 How tall are your models?

Innocent World uses several models so we cannot make generalizations about their height.
For a question about a specific model, we ask you to please contact us by email.

6-6  I live in Japan but I don’t have a bank account or a credit card here.
Is it possible for me to pay through Paypal and have the item shipped to my Japanese address?

No, we can't do that.
Payment is by credit card only.

6-7 Are you recruiting for any models?

No, we are not recruiting for any models now.
If you want to be our model, please contact us through your agency.

6-8 About our sizing

The sizes listed on our website correspond to the following list.

Size reference (Japanese sizes): S → 5~7 M → 7~11 L → 11~13
※Depending on the item, the sizes might be slightly smaller or larger.

The measurements listed are of the actual garment so we recommend 4-5cm of room for the best fit, especially for blouses.


Copyright(C) Innocent World All Rights Reserved.